ISAT TESTING HAS ARRIVED!  The Reading and Writing portions of the Illinois State Achievement Tests will be given on March 5, and then the 8th - 11th.  Please make sure your child gets plenty to eat and plenty of rest during those days and nights.  Pencils and sharpeners will be provided, but it would be great if they each had two pencils to bring with them, as well as, a big eraser and hand held sharpener.  Tickets will be given out to students who display a random act of kindness for other students during this time, but also for good behavior and work ethic while taking the test.  These tickets go into a daily drawing and students who are chosen from the raffle will win a gift card ranging from Best Buy in the amount of $25-50.  On the day after the last day of testing, two big prizes will be given:  the runner up gets $100, and the top prize is $250!  Thank you Mr. France for giving out these wonderful prizes: our students definitely deserve them!

If you would like help to help your child study for ISAT's, please go to and follow the necessary links.       Click on the blue underline.